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Polyak/Pollack/Polack (Smotrich) Полак (Смотрич)

Добавлено: 23 дек 2016, 21:50
mpolack писал(а): Smotrich, is that the county?
It's in Kamenets (Каменецкий уезд) Описи 17, 18, 19, 20, 21)
Just to give an example, I used this pathway (Notary records) twice. Once I asked for a rare surname and got super useful results. Another time I asked for a common name Frankel, and there was nothing useful in the county (uezd) I needed, but there were lots of records in other nearby locations. Specifically in Kaments uezd, there were two in Opis 17 (17-41, 255), three in Opis 19 (19-5101, 5462, 6503) and one in 21-10202. If I wanted to get the full headings of all these Kamenets Uezd notary records for the Frankels, then I'd out of further $30.

Polyak/Pollack/Polack (Smotrich) Полак (Смотрич)

Добавлено: 23 дек 2016, 23:10
Файнгольд Татьяна


Listed in the table below are the unique surnames found within the two Smotrich, Ukraine society burial plots located in the New York metropolitan area.


Polyak/Pollack/Polack (Smotrich) Полак (Смотрич)

Добавлено: 23 дек 2016, 23:14
Файнгольд Татьяна

Polyak/Pollack/Polack (Smotrich) Полак (Смотрич)

Добавлено: 23 дек 2016, 23:18
Дмитрий Широчин
MOCKBA писал(а): Дмитрий, получается, что мы пропустили в ДАХмО это дело 132-1-1053? Дополнительная ревизия в Смотриче за 1852 г?
Описи фонда 132 "Каменецкая Городская Дума" только недавно обработаны Татьяной Файнгольд и еще не импортированы (мной) в нашу базу данных. Дела из этого фонда как раз и составят ближайшее обновление базы, ими закроем 2016 год :)

POLYAK, POLLACK, POLACK (Smotrich) / ПОЛАК (Смотрич)

Добавлено: 23 дек 2016, 23:27
MOCKBA писал(а):
23 дек 2016, 21:50
mpolack писал(а): Smotrich, is that the county?
It's in Kamenets (Каменецкий уезд) Описи 17, 18, 19, 20, 21)
Just to give an example, I used this pathway (Notary records) twice. Once I asked for a rare surname and got super useful results. Another time I asked for a common name Frankel, and there was nothing useful in the county (uezd) I needed, but there were lots of records in other nearby locations. Specifically in Kaments uezd, there were two in Opis 17 (17-41, 255), three in Opis 19 (19-5101, 5462, 6503) and one in 21-10202. If I wanted to get the full headings of all these Kamenets Uezd notary records for the Frankels, then I'd out of further $30.
Thank you very much. here do I pay for this? Where do I ask for a surname? And do I have to do it in Russian?

Polyak/Pollack/Polack (Smotrich) Полак (Смотрич)

Добавлено: 23 дек 2016, 23:38
There is a "donate" link in the banner above ( donate.php ), I just used regular Paypal and entered the surname in the message. OK, good luck! Hope your Polacks needed property titles or liens or some such stuff which took them to the notary!

Polyak/Pollack/Polack (Smotrich) Полак (Смотрич)

Добавлено: 26 дек 2016, 08:02
Дмитрий Широчин
The signatures of the files re Polaks and Polyak(ov)s follows:
Полак 12-897; 17-1198
Поляк(ов) 1-306, 574, 860, 1207, 1208; 2-233, 350, 417, 680, 791, 910, 955, 1137, 1582, 1599, 1817, 1836, 2169, 2355; 3-246, 2165, 4524; 5-51, 89; 7-138, 3403, 4497, 4549, 4625, 4670; 10-17, 28, 37, 181, 183, 196, 377, 396, 565, 757; 11-782, 833, 902, 955, 1094; 12-30, 81, 106, 764, 888, 901, 1011, 1017, 1211, 1527, 1528, 1529, 1574, 1624, 1657, 1676, 1677, 1707, 1928; 13-3156, 3549; 15-10912, 11099; 16-12408; 18-2126, 2683, 2741; 19-3745; 20-7114; 24-244, 529, 550, 2538, 2679; 26-782, 823, 1119, 1322, 1527, 2513, 2690, 2772, 3093, 3107; 28-185, 541, 563, 1496, 1537; 29-30, 115, 116, 117, 152, 410, 444, 454, 588, 664, 709, 721, 818; 36-5800; 41(1889)-75; 41(1890)-9; 42(1899)-116, 132; 42(1904)-97; 43(1907)-62, 63; 43(1908)-182; 44(1892)-36, 37; 45(1888)-46

POLYAK, POLLACK, POLACK (Smotrich) / ПОЛАК (Смотрич)

Добавлено: 24 янв 2021, 14:17